Medical Specialty (Neurology and Neurosurgery)
Medical Specialty (Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry)
- Our medical specialties are Neurology and Nuerosurgery. We perform necessary medical examinations and give you treatments for such symptoms as headache, numbness of hands, legs, or foots, dizziness, forgetfulness, or wounds of the head. Especially for headache, we will diagnose its type through detail medical interview and imaging examinations, then offer good control with adequate medication.
- For patients with Parkinson’s disease, we will offer the most adequate treatment with appropriate medication. For the ones with deep brain stimulation treatment, we can adjust the stimulation parameters emitted from the implanted pulse generator.
- We make accurate diagnosis by thorough interview, precise neurological examination, and modern imaging techniques. Then we offer the best control of the symptom to you by appropriate medication or other adequate treatment modality.
General Physical Check-up
General Physical Check-up
- For general physical check-up, we offer the followings:
Physical exam, Blood sample exam of any kinds, Electrocardiography,
Electroencephalography, X-ray exam, CT,MRI
Hours of Consultation
Hours of Consultation
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Morning:9:00-12:00 Afternoon:14:00-18:00
Saturday Morning:8:15-12:15 Afternoon13:30-16:30
Wednesday, Sunday, National Holidays:Closed
Payment & Insurance
Payment & Insurance
Payment & Insurance
- We accept the medical insurance issued by an insurance company which has a branch in Japan, or Japanese medical insurances (Shakai Hoken y Kokumin Kenko Hoken). Please bring your insurance card. Without that, you need to pay the total cost of the exams or therapies you had.
Direction Map
Direction Map

Biography of Director
Biography of Director

- 1989 Graduated from Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukus
Intern, Kawakita General Hospital
1991 Department of Neurosurgery, Yokohama
City University Hospital
1996 Department of Neurosurgery, Yokohama
Minami-Kyosai Hospital
1998 Department of Neurosurgery, Odawara
Municipal Hospital
2003 Department of Neurosurgery, Kaizuka Hospital
2009- Oasis Clinic

医療法人社団 語應会
TEL: 029 -871 – 2211
駐車場:第1(クリニック建物前)・第 3 駐車場合わせて 27 台駐車可能
医療法人社団 語應会
TEL: 029 -871 – 2211

●午前/8:45~12:00 午後/13:45~18:00
◎土曜日:午前/8:15~12:15 午後/ 13:30~16:30